The Celebration of the Living (who reflect upon death), 3 ed.

You are invited to join a collective action which will be taking place all around the world simultaneously, on November 2nd, 2012 (10am New York; 11am Buenos Aires; 12pm São Paulo; 3pm London; 4pm Cairo/Rome; 5pm Addis Ababa; 9pm Phnom Penh; 10pm Beijing/Shanghai).
Each participant to this collective action, at the same time and according to his/her choice of location and modalities, will try to establish contact with somebody who has passed away (a friend, a relative, a public figure).
Two or three days after this “meeting” we ask you to send us a word or a short sentence (of maximum two lines) that could represent or evoke such experience. Please do not send long texts, images or videos.

By the end of November, the words and sentences that will be sent by the participants will be transferred, using the old “fresco” technique, on the walls of “Lu Cafausu”, in San Cesario di Lecce, Southern Italy. On this occasion, together with the realization of the fresco, we will organize a celebration.
In the next days we will circulate email with more details for this final event of “The Celebration of the Living (who reflect upon death)”.

Please confirm your participation here, and then send your words or sentence to lafestadeivivi (@)

Lu Cafausu is a collaborative art project by Emilio Fantin, Luigi Negro,Giancarlo Norese, Cesare Pietroiusti, and Luigi Presicce.