Open Call for Young Artists
Materials For Performance
6-31 July 2015
CSAV – Artists Research Laboratory is a project where dialogue and exchange among artists of different generations and nationalities stand at the heart of a unique artistic and learning experience. The lab is open to sixteen young artists of all nationalities, selected among the applicants by a jury. The programme lasts twenty-five days during which the participants attend a daily workshop activity and theoretical seminars run by the invited artists, the director, the curator and guest lecturers, as well as conferences held by artists, critics and experts of other disciplines.
“Using body, voice, objects, we shall attempt to extrapolate and combine performative fragments from theoretical and literary texts, videos, autobiography, environmental observations, news reports, and from interactions between and among participants in the workshop itself.” (Yvonne Rainer)
“I would like the workshop to be a laboratory where young artists explore performative themes and techniques, combined with their own art practice, and how all of that relates to Yvonne’s ideas. We will travel through the techniques of other artists - working with repetition, radical juxtaposition, everyday observation, autobiographical appropriation, emotional states, narrative structures and anti-structures - and find our way back to our own work.” (Andrea Kleine)
During the first week of the workshop the participants will work on this proposed theme in close collaboration with Yvonne Rainer together with the director and curator of the laboratory, Annie Ratti and Emanuela De Cecco. During the second and third week the participants will pursue their research and work along with the writer/chorographer Andrea Kleine, further exploring the issues raised in the first week with Rainer. The result will be a day of public performances and exhibition articulating the research and experiences produced during the laboratory.
The laboratory is free of charge. Accommodation expenses in Como are to be covered by the participants. To apply, please fill in the form available online at the application form page. The application and all required materials must be sent by the 29th of March 2015.